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  • Dad _______ ________ ____________ ____ _________ yet. He's been busy cutting the grass.
    Dad hasn't taken out the rubbish
  • This morning I ______ ______ ______ _____________.
    have hung out the clothes
  • I'__ ____ ____ ____ _________. Can you do the rest of the chores?
    I've put away the shopping
  • _______ you _______ ______ _________ today?
    Have you swept the patio today?
  • What is this chore?
    Clean my shoes
  • What is this chore?
    Water the plants
  • _____ your mum _______ ____ ____ ?
    Has your mum washed the car?
  • Children! ____ ____ _____ _____ beds?
    Have you made your beds?
  • What is this chore?
    Wash the windows
  • She ____ _______ ____ _______ very well!
    She has laid the table
  • Sorry, I ________ _____ _____ _____ today. I didn't have time.
    I haven't fed the pets
  • What is this chore?
    Make the bed / Make my bed
  • What is this chore?
    Feed the pets / Feed my pets
  • What is this chore?
    Wash up
  • What is this chore?
    Vacuum the floor
  • What is this chore?
    Cut the grass
  • What is this chore?
    Hang out the clothes
  • Sorry mum, I ___________ ___________ _____ ___________. I was doing my homework first!
    I haven't tidied my room
  • What is this chore?
    Put away the shopping
  • What is this chore?
    Take out the rubbish
  • What is this chore?
    Load the dishwasher
  • What is this chore?
    Wash the car
  • What is this chore?
    Tidy my room / Tidy up my room
  • What is this chore?
    Sweep the patio
  • What is this chore?
    Lay the table