
Grade 1 Reviewer 2023

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  • These are the three elements of movements.
    Time, Force, and Flow
  • Force movement may be done he_v_l_ or li__tl_
    Heavily or Lightly
  • F_o_ refers to whether a movement is bounded or freely.
  • What are the three (3) things to remember to determine if there is a relationship between a movement an object.
    Movement, Position (relationship qualities) and Object
  • A movement may be described as s_ow or f__t.
    Slow or Fast
  • F_r_e refers to the strength by which a movement is done.
  • Name a relationship qualities with objects.
    Around, Over, Under, Behind, Beside, In Front of, Through, In, Out,
  • Stat__nary ob_ec_s are the things that are not moving.
    Stationary Objects
  • Karen is doing jumping jacks in between the boxes.
    In between
  • _o_em__t is an instruction in the improvement of a person's motor skills.
  • Flow may be s_o_th or j__ky.
    Smooth or Jerky
  • _i__ refers to the speed by which a movement is performed.