
Modal verbs

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  • 1 a: I’m hungry. b: But you’ve just had lunch. You _______be hungry already. (be)
  • a: I think I saw Ben in town this morning. b: No, you _______ him this morning. He’s away on holiday. (see)
    can't have seen / couldn't have seen
  • a: Did you hear the explosion? b: What explosion? a: There was a loud explosion about an hour ago. You _______it. (hear)
    must have heard
  • a: Where’s Julia? b: I’m not sure. She _____ out. (go)
    might have gone
  • a: What time will we get to Sue’s house? b: Well, it takes about one and a half hours, so if we leave at 3 o’clock, we _____ there by 4.30. (get)
    should get
  • 3 a: What’s the weather like? Is it raining? b: Not at the moment, but it ______ later. (rain)
    might rain
  • 2 a: I haven’t seen our neighbours for ages. b: No. They ______ away. (go)
    must have gone
  • a: I didn’t see you at Michael’s party last week. b: No, I had to work that night, so I ______. (go)
    couldn't go
  • a: We weren’t sure which way to go. In the end we turned right. b: You went the wrong way. You_____ left . (turn)
    should have turned
  • a: When was the last time you saw Max? b: Years ago. I _____ him if I saw him now. (not recognise)
    might not recognise