
Foundations of Government

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  • What is a federal system?
    central and regional governments share powers
  • How was King Charles forced to sign the Petition of Right?
    He asked for money and parliament said no unless he gave away some of his power
  • Town hall meetings in colonial America are an example of what type of democracy?
  • what is a limited government?
    Restraints upon power and authority of government, people have power
  • Who established the original idea of a social contract theory
    Thomas Hobbes
  • Name 2 requirements for Presidential Democracy.
    President is leader, executive and legislative branches are separate
  • The US revolution gave inspiration to what major revolution a few years later?
  • What are the 4 roles of a Government?
    Maintain social order, Provide Public Services, Handle international relations, Make economic decisions
  • Ideas of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” first appeared where?
    The Declaration of Independence (Life, Liberty, and Property is John Locke)
  • The Magna Carta (1215) & English Bill of Rights both reinforced the concept of
    Limiting the power of the monarchy
  • Who proposed that dividing the government into three branches?
  • what is the Enlightenment?
    Period of time where major political ideas we use today were shaped
  • What is the "Divine Right" theory?
    Monarchs were ordained by God to by rulers
  • Who wrote the Declaration of Independance?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • Who has the power in a representative democracy?
    representatives chosen by the people
  • Thomas Jefferson incorporated the Enlightenment into the Declaration of Independence using the philosophies of whom?
    John Locke and Montesquieu
  • What is an unalienable right?
    one that can never be taken away
  • The concept of a social contract states that people have
    the natural right to replace leaders if they fail to lead as the people desire
  • Population is...
    People of a state
  • what is an authoritarian government?
    government ruled absolute by one group or person (no voice by the people)
  • Montesquieu is credited with devising the basic Constitutional principle of...
    separation and balance of governmental power
  • define autocratic government
    ruled by one person (dictator of monarch)
  • What is a confederal system?
    an alliance of independent states, power concentrated in local governments
  • Define sovereign
    one does not answer to another country, they have autonomy
  • define oligarchic governement
    ruled by an elite few
  • Who give the government the right to exist?
    the people
  • Give 3 of the major grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence
    quartering of troops, taxes, no trade, cruel punishment, etc
  • What was a major philosophy expressed in the Declaration of Independence?
    belief in the natural rights of citizens
  • This man coined what term/phrase that forms the foundation of the American Government?
    Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
  • The Petition of Right has what 3 parts?
    martial law during peace, no imprisonment without cause, and no quartering of soldiers
  • what does majority rule with minority rights mean?
    Ruled by the majority but the rights of the minority are equally protected
  • give the two types of democracy and define them both
    direct and representative
  • "unalienable rights" are specifically mentioned in the....
    Preamble of the Declaration of Independence
  • what is a democratic government?
    one ruled by many (the people)
  • Name the 2 requirements for a Parliamentary democracy.
    executive and legislative branch are one, prime minister elected from legislative branch
  • Legislative, Executive, Judicial- has specific powers the other branches do not have. This is called...
    Separation of powers
  • who was the first signee of the Declaration of Independence?
    John Hancock
  • where does direct democracy work best?
    smaller communities
  • What is one key thing a successful democracy relies on?
    free enterprise
  • What is a Unitary system?
    Power is concentrated in a central government
  • What did the English Bill of Right establish?
    The document prohibited a standing army during peacetime, unless Parliament gives consent and required that all parliamentary elections be free
  • One way that the English Bill of Rights limited the power of the monarch
    the monarch could not levy taxes
  • Give the 5 main parts of the Declaration of Independence.
    Intro, Preamble, Grievances, Resolution
  • The ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the "Social Contract Theory" both arose from the.....