
ALS 1 Review

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  • A: In Lima, all malls should be pet-friendly. B: _____________ . Some people have alligators and snakes and I don't think those should be accepted in a mall.
    That's debatable
  • We will start this lecture on the issue of traffic in rush-hour. After that, ______________ the opposite topic, "Not enough pedestrian lanes".
    Let's move on to
  • The sloth lives in National Parks ____________ the "Manu" In Madre de Dios.
    such as
  • Poverty and lack of good education are directly connected to criminality, since it's high school dropouts who ___________ a large percentage of the offenders. (constitute)
  • Ok, everyone, ________________ explain the effects of quarantine on people.
    What I want to do today is
  • The U.S. Endangered Species Act protects both endangered animals and their habitats --bisons and wolves, __________.
    for instance
  • According to Forbes Magazine, Oprah Winfrey, that is a media entrepreneur, is one of the richest woman in the world. Is the sentence correct? false or true?
  • Modern cities are divided into districts which focus on different purposes --for instance, the ________ district, the suburbs, etc. (finance)
  • Deforestation can affect a country's tourism since it consists of the ___________ of the natural resources. (exploit)
  • The Ministry of Culture is in charge of _____________ the Huacas and the buildings. (restore)
  • In some peruvian provinces, local governments ___________ hunters to kill in order to stop the current overpopulation of vizcachas. (authorize)
    are authorizing
  • Mero ceviche is a MOUTH-WATERING delicacy that Gaston Acurio serves in his restaurant.Choose the best option. A. This delicacy is very juicy. B.This ceviche is made of sea mero mouths. C. Mero ceviche is luxurious and very pleasing t
    Mero ceviche is luxurious and very pleasing to eat.
  • So far, over 40 million dollars have been donated by this media mogul through the Oprah Winfrey Foundation. Is the sentence correct? True or false?
  • The media transmits its perception of what is attractive and young people believe that it's true. ____________________ , if a tv commercial advertises the ugliest pants as fashionable and cool, young people will believe that they are.
    Let me put it another way
  • With social distancing, tickets for __________ music presentations are now bought on Teletickets of Wong and Metro.. (classic)
  • When archaeologist Maria Reiche saw the sand dunes of Ica, she never ____________ she would discover the Nazca lines. (envision)
  • A: The world population should eat more meat. Did you know that eating a lot of meat increases your hemoglobin? B: ___________________ lots of meat can increase your cholesterol.
    That may be true, but on the other hand
  • Scientists believe that Ebola is dangerous. _________ , it can kill you in 9 days.
    That is to say
  • Winfrey believes that poor women's lives can be transform if they receive a proper education since they are children. Is the sentence correct? true or false?
  • A: Tummy-tuck is the most common procedure performed by plastic surgeons. B: __________ Tummy-tuck? A: It's a Liposuction.
    What exactly do you mean by
  • A:If an animal population has recovered, the government should stop protecting it by law and invest... B: But if it becomes endangered again? Oops. __________________
    Please finish what you were saying.
  • Police officers are _____________ placed around the city so that, in case there is a robbery, they can enter into action immediately. (strategy)
  • A: The famous Peruvian scientist Mariano Morikawa wants to achieve the impossible: grow plants in the desert of Ica. B: ________________
    No kidding!
  • A: Thousands of women have spent money and time putting on makeup since their adolescence. _________________ B: I have never been into fashion. Science is my thing.
    What about you?