
Mixed Tenses

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  • I _________________________ (meet) him last Monday.
  • "What _________________________ (you, do) yesterday morning between 9 and 12?" the detective asked.
    were you doing
  • I _________________________ (see) three movies so far this week.
    have seen
  • Most people _________________________ (be) at work when the fire _________________________ (start).
    were, started
  • What _________________________ (you, think) of her new boyfriend?
    do you think
  • How long _________________________ (wait) for me?
    have you been waiting
  • Jack usually _________________________ (smoke) but he _________________________ (not smoke) when his father is home.
    smokes, doesn't smoke
  • Look! The road is covered in ice. That old man _________________________ (fall).
    is going to fall
  • She never _________________________ (speak) about her family.
  • _________________________ (you, ever, buy) a car?
    Have you ever bought
  • The band _________________________ (play) while I _________________________ (drink) my wine.
    was playing, was drinking
  • I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I _________________________ (already, eat).
    have already eaten
  • You _________________________ (do) your homework for two hours. Have you finished yet?
    have been doing
  • "Where _________________________ (you, go)?" "I _________________________ (see) Peter in half an hour."
    are you going, am seeing
  • She _________________________ (not hear) anything about his past yet.
    hasn't heard
  • It's a beautiful drive. I'm sure you _________________________ (enjoy) the scenery.
    will enjoy
  • I ____________________ (see) a great film yesterday.
  • Her mother _________________________ (live) in Sydney for the past five years.
    has lived
  • This exercise book _________________________ (cost) €17.