
Explorer & Math

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  • Where did Juan Ponce de Leon look for the Fountain of Youth?
    Florida (before it was named Florida)
  • What is a score of "0" called in tennis?
  • Is 0 (zero) an even number or an odd number or neither?
  • Who is credited with finding the "New World"?
    Christopher Columbus
  • Marco Polo was from .......
  • Which explorer was North America and South America named for?
    Amerigo Vespucci
  • What was Ponce De Leon searching for when he explored Florida?
    Fountain of Youth
  • What was Christopher Columbus searching for when he left Spain?
    Far East or India
  • What number is twice the sum of its digits?
  • What is the lowest prime number?
  • What do the two numbers on opposite sides of a die at up to?
  • Leif Ericson was a famous "Norse" explorer .... where is "Norse"?
    Scandinavia: Norway, Denmark, Sweden
  • Which explorer proved the earth is round?
  • Which explorer was imprisoned for acts of torture?
    Christopher Columbus
  • Who established the first route from the Pacific to the Atlantic?
  • Where was Juan Ponde De Leon from?
  • Which explorer traveled to the Far East and wrote a book inspiring new explorer's?
    Marco Polo
  • Where is the Strait of Magellan located?
    Tip of Chile - around the southern tip of South America
  • Who was the first explorer to reach North America?
    Leif Ericson
  • What is the only even prime number?
  • What number is spelled with the same number of letters as the number value?