
metals and non-metals

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  • what are the properties of a metal?( list other 3 )
    ductile, shiny, good conductor of heat and electricity, sonorous, high density, malleable
  • metals are weak and brittle (true/ false)
  • The form of carbon that is soft, brittle and can conduct electricity is called ...
  • what are the properties of a metal?( list 3 )
    ductile, shiny, good conductor of heat and electricity, sonorous, high density, malleable
  • list 3 metals that are magnetic
    iron, nickel, cobalt
  • All metals are solids at room temperature except ??
  • list 10 non-metals
  • list any use for copper(other than electricity wires )
    sterling silver used in jewelry, Musical Instruments...........
  • what are the properties of a non-metal?(list 5 )
    dull, low density, poor conductor of electricity and heat ,brittle, non sonorous
  • What is the meaning of malleable metal ?
    Can be shaped when hammered
  • silicon is a dull metal (true or false) (correct if wrong )
  • list 10 metals