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  • What is he doing?
    He is CHOMPING food (mengunyah dengan bersuara)
  • When something is gone (tidak ada), it ______________
    disappears (menghilang)
  • When we say " You look great today. Your hair is looking nice!", we are talking about your .............
    appearance (penampilan)
  • When we hit, we need to ....... it correctly.
    aim (mengarahkan)
  • The tomato is.......
    poisonous (beracun)
  • The weather in Indonesia is very .......
    Humid (lembab)
  • When the police wants to arrest the criminal. They need to find the _________ to prove they are wrong
    evidence (bukti)
  • They _______ on time.
    arrive (tiba)
  • Where do you find these items (barang)?
    GROCERY (bahan makanan) Store
  • Sasha is not here. She is P_ _ BA_ _Y at school. When you are not sure. You say....
    probably (kemungkinan)
  • What is this?
    It is a snow globe (bola salju)
  • When you want to make someting new, you _____________
    invent (menciptakan)
  • Vitamin C is E_ _ EN_IA_ for our body.
    ESSENTIAL (penting)
  • Christmas is celebrated (dirayakan) tiap tahun. "Every year" is the English word for "tiap tahun". What is another word for it?
    Annual (tiap tahun)
  • A person who writes books is called a ..........
    Author (penulis)
  • What are they doing? They are having a p_ _ a_e
    Parade (parade)
  • When people protest, they go on S_RI_ _
    STRIKE (mogok kerja)
  • Bees _______ when disturbed (diganggu)
    sting (menyengat)
  • Whatdo you use to make the plants fertile (subur)?
    Fertilizer (pupuk)
  • A : Hi..My name is Elizabeth. B: My first name is also Elizabeth. They have .................. name
    common (sama)