
Requests and permission

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  • The room is hot. You want to open the window.
    own answer
  • The phone is ringing. You are busy. Your husband is not.
    own answer
  • You are carrying two heavy bags and need some help.
    own answer
  • You are in a restaurant. You are ready to place your order.  There are no buzzers.
    own answer
  • Your laptop is not working. You need to use another family member's computer.
    own answer
  • You enter the doctor's office. The receptionist says "Good morning, can I help you?"
    own answer
  • You are in a restaurant. Your table is dirty.
    own answer
  • You want to read a book. Your husband is singing.
    own answer
  • You feel hungry and want to eat. Ask your partner to do something
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  • You are in line to buy a ticket to Avatar.  Someone butts in front of you. 
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  • You are at an outdoor concert. You have set up your 'personal space' with a blanket. A person set up chairs blocking your view of the concert.
    own answer
  • A person at Starbucks just finished reading a newspaper and sets in on the table. You want to read it.
    own answer
  • You are in a restaurant. You want something to drink.  You ring the buzzer and the server comes over.
    own answer
  • You are in on the subway after a hard day's work. You see an empty seat and a man is blocking your access to it.
    own answer
  • Your friend is good at negotiating a price and you want to ask for help.
    own answer
  • You are sitting in a sold out movie theatre. There are no empty seats. The person behind you is kicking the back of your chair.
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  • You want to return an item at Traders. You go to the exchange window, and the clerk says "What do you want?"
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  • You are watching your favorite Korean drama. Your partner is standing in frontf the TV.
    own answer
  • You don't have a pencil. Ask your workmate for help.
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  • You in a restaurant. You want to get the key to the restroom.
    own answer
  • Your children wants to play outside. How should they ask for permission.
    own answer