
Making questions

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  • make a question (will , please, you)make a dessert
    Will you make dessert, please?
  • Play you the guitar?
    Do you play the guitar?
  • Rearrange the Question in the correct form (going , you, to, Kim, Are)
    Are you going to text Kim?
  • Asking about abilities(play /guitar)
    Can you play the guitar?
  • is / homework/where /your/?
    Where is you homework?
  • (yes /no question)You have a ticket
    Do you have a ticket?
  • Auxiliary verb + subject+ main verb ?
    Correct !
  • do/where/live/Paris/you/in?
    Where do you live in Paris?
  • Verb to be (are/is)+ subject ?
  • later/may/e-mail/you/I/?
    May I e-mail you later?