
Problem Sizes and How to React

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  • You cannot find your school ID after changing for gym. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Ask your gym teacher for help looking for it.
  • You find out your best friend is going to a new school next year. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Tell them you will miss them. Talk to an adult about how you feel. Discuss ways to stay in touch, etc.
  • You lied about your grades to your parents. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Talk to your parents and apologize for lying.
  • Someone is calling you names in the hallway. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Tell an adult. Ignore the student
  • Your pencil breaks and you do not have another one. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Ask your teacher for a pencil.
  • How many people does a medium problem affect?
    4 to 6
  • How many people does a small problem affect?
    1 to 3
  • True/False: A small problem can be fixed on your own.
  • A tornado goes through your house. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Big- Take shelter with your family, help with cleaning up, etc.
  • How many people does a large problem affect?
    A lot - whole family, whole school. Call 911
  • Your teacher asked the class a question. You raised your hand but the teacher didn't call on you. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Raise your hand to answer the next question. Shrug your shoulders.
  • The student next to you is talking too loud to another student and you cannot focus. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Ask them to be quiet. Tell your teacher.
  • A family member is having surgery. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Big. Help take care of the family member after surgery.
  • You lost in a game you were playing with friends. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Tell your friends "good game", say "bummer", "oh well", "there's always next time", etc.
  • You left your bike in the rain and now it is rusty. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Tell an adult what happened.
  • You tripped in the hallway while holding all of your books. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Get up and pick up your books.
  • You spill your milk at lunch. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Get napkins and clean it up.
  • Your friend bumped into you and you both fell and got hurt. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Go see the nurse. Apologize to your friend.