
Econ Fundamentals

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  • What are three weaknesses of a Command Economy?
    No adaptation, no rewards, no innovation, give up rights, poor quality
  • In which economic system is equality nearly impossible to achieve?
    Free Market
  • What is a "Net Zero" benefit and is it desirable or not?
    The cost and benefits are equal, yes it is considered a good thing
  • Unlimited needs and wants combined with limited resources create what condition?
  • Give a weakness of the Traditional Economic System.
    No innovation, unable to change, No support in difficult times
  • What is a public good?
    a shared good or service for which it would be inefficient or impractical
  • What governments are command economies associated with?
    Socialist or Communist
  • What is the primary factor in determining whether something gets produced in a mixed economy?
  • When do Command Economies typically arise?
    Following severe economic depressions
  • What is Marginal Benefit?
    the benefit associated with that one additional item.
  • Explain why the government controls certain things in a Mixed Economy.
  • What is Marginal Cost?
    the cost of procuring one more item. (Of making one more thing, deciding to do one more thing,)
  • A professional Baseball Player's bat is an example of what Factor of Production?
  • Bartering and trades are characteristics of what economic system?
  • What is one common problem in a mixed economy?
    The Free Rider Problem
  • What is labor?
    Any effort a person devotes to a task for which that person is paid.
  • What are the three questions every economic system must answer?
    Who? How? For whom?
  • What is entrepreneur (as it applies to economics)?
    A person who assembles the factors of production to create new goods and services.
  • In which economy does the government answer the economic questions?
  • In a Free Market system, who answers the economic questions?
    Business Owners and Individuals
  • What does the government offer in a Mixed Economy?
    Government offers protections (property rights, patents, minimum wage)
  • What is Capital?
    Any human-made resource that is used to create other goods and services.
  • What is it called when one weighs the cost and benefits of an economic decision?
    Marginal Analysis
  • What are the benefits of "specialization?"
    Expertise, Efficiency, Education
  • Name all 4 factors of production
    Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneur
  • Define the "Invisible Hand" theory.
    Consumers get the products they want at prices that closely reflect the cost of providing them.
  • Definition: workers gain experience in one particular part of the production process, the entire factory is able to produce more without increasing the number of workers it employs or the time each employee spends on the job
    Division of Labor
  • What does the consumer give up in a mixed economy?
  • What is it called when a worker concentrates on one job or one aspect of their job?
  • What is Economics?
    The study of how people satisfy unlimited needs and wants with limited resources.
  • What is a mixed economy?
    Blend market economy with some government intervention (some more than others)
  • Name 4 of the countries highlighted that have a Command Economy
    Iran, Libya, N. Korea, Cube, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Laos, Myanmar
  • What does the production possibilities graph show?
    alternative ways to use an economy’s productive resources
  • What is a "trade off" in Economics?
    The things we don't choose/buy or the alternatives.
  • What is land?
    All of the natural resources that are used to produce goods and services.
  • Name the 4 entities involved in the Circular Flow Model of a Free Market system
    Household, Product Markets, Firms, Factor Markets
  • What is a Market?
    The mechanism to buy and sell things
  • What is a current example of a true Free Market Economy?
    Hong Kong or Singapore
  • Why is a Mixed economy used?
    The market on its own cannot meet all needs (national defense, roads/bridges)
  • Define voluntary exchange
    The act of buyers and sellers freely and willingly engaging in market transactions
  • What is the opportunity cost of choosing to buy a car over a house?
    The ability to have your own home/shelter
  • What is opportunity cost?
    the most desirable alternative given up as the result of a decision
  • Give an example of what each factor of production might be in the production of tires.
    Rubber, Machine, workers, company owner
  • Products remain the same and people often do the same jobs as their parents is distinctive of what economic system?