
English File Elementary units 1-3 revision

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  • How do you say "bezrobotny" in English?
  • What does your mum have in her wallet?
  • Complete the sentence. "Francesca ______ from the south of Italy. She's from the north"
  • What's the plural of "dictionary"?
  • Say this sentence in English. "Kasia i Tomek nie chodzą do kina w poniedziałki."
    Kasia and Tomek don't go to the cinema on Mondays.
  • How would you say "Czy możesz zamknąć drzwi?" in English?
    Can you close the door?
  • Can you say when your English classes are?
    My English classess are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • How do you say "strewardessa" in English?
    a flight attendant
  • Make a sentence with "dangerous".
  • Translate this sentence into English. "Mój chłopak nie mówi po angielsku"
    My boyfriend doesn't speak English.
  • What do you have in your bag?
  • Can you spell "accountant"?
  • What does your best friend do?
  • What's the opposite of "full"?
  • Can you introduce yourself and say what you do?
  • How do you pronounce "receptionist"?
  • Where's the stress in "hotel"?
  • What does "frightened" mean?
  • Does your English teacher wear glasses?
    Yes, she does.
  • Can you offer your friend something to drink?
    Would you like a coffee?
  • What car does your boss drive?
  • Ask a person in your team if he/she is tired.
    Are you tired?
  • Ask a person in your team where he/she lives.
    Where do you live?
  • Translate this sentence into English. "Moja siostra mieszka w mieszkaniu z dwiema innymi dziewczynami"
    My sister lives in a flat with two other girls.