
Who can we find at school?

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  • Who is he?
    He is a teacher.
  • Is this a boy or a girl?
    A girl
  • Is teacher a man or a woman?
    Awesome job!
  • What subject is this?
  • What do you see in this picture?
  • Is this a friend or classmate?
    A classmate.
  • Do you like school?
  • Is this a man or a woman?
    A woman.
  • Who is she?
    She's a teacher.
  • Are you a boy or a girl?
    Well done!
  • Is this a friend or a classmate?
    A friend.
  • Is this a man or a woman?
    A man.
  • Is this a girl or a boy?
    A boy.
  • How many students do you see?
    I see 3.
  • Are you a student or a teacher?
    I am a student.
  • Where is the bus going?
    To school.