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  • Laughed her head off
    To laugh a lot
  • Speak of the devil
    The person we were just talking about showed up
  • Under the weather
    Feeling sick
  • You can say that again
    That's true, I agree
  • Call it a day
    Stop doing something or stop working on something
  • Cutting corners
    Doing something poorly in order to save time or money
  • On the ball
    Doing a good job
  • A laugh a minute
    Very funny
  • Pay through the nose
    Pay more than a fair price
  • Lend a hand
    Help someone
  • Put your foot down
    To stop something from happening
  • A blessing in disguise
    A good thing that seemed bad at first
  • In the twinkle of an eye
    Happens very quickly
  • By word of mouth
    People tell it to each other rather than it being printed in written form
  • Miss the boat
    It's too late
  • Pull someone's leg
    Joke with someone
  • Break a leg
    Wish someone good luck
  • It's not rocket science
    It's not difficult
  • Pull yourself together
    Calm down
  • It tickled my ribs
    Made me laugh