
Vocalic "er" at the Sentence Level

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  • He wanted to learn more about science at school.
    Nice job
  • The circus was filled with all different animals and acts.
    Nice job
  • The mall was very busy on Christmas Eve.
    Nice job
  • Everyone at the birthday party ate chocolate cake.
    Nice job
  • The teacher graded the history exams after school.
    Nice job
  • The little girl had curly brown hair.
    Nice job
  • Jared slept over his cousin's house yesterday.
    Nice job
  • The painter sold his art at the new gallery.
    Nice job
  • The dog turned around when he heard the door open.
    Nice job
  • The students whispered to each other during math class.
    Nice job
  • I like to eat cheese and crackers.
    Nice job
  • The father and son went fishing on Saturday.
    Nice job
  • The child was annoying his older brother.
    Nice job
  • The cat is sleeping under the bed.
    Nice job
  • The worker climbed up the ladder to reach the light bulb.
    Nice job
  • The photographer used his camera to take my school picture.
    Nice job
  • He ran faster as he approached the finish line.
    Nice job
  • The bakery was filled with a lot of people.
    Nice job
  • The kids ate ice cream for dessert after dinner.
    Nice job
  • The hamster was running on his wheel all night.
    Nice job
  • The cat was thirsty, so it drank water out of the bowl.
    Nice job
  • The boys all went to Six Flags together last week.
    Nice job
  • The chef used herbs to make the soup.
    Nice job
  • I woke up early this morning because I had a doctor's appointment.
    Nice job
  • The singer had a concert for thousands of people.
    Nice job