
GW1 - Error Correction (1-4)

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  • There is a computer in your house? (1)
    Is there a computer in your house?
  • John gets up at 7 o'clock every day because he catch the train at 8 o'clock. (1)
    John gets up at 7 o'clock every day because he catches the train at 8 o'clock.
  • One of my friends like to cook Italian food. (1)
    One of my friends likes to cook Italian food.
  • Kim has a cat. It fur is white. (1)
    Kim has a cat. Its fur is white.
  • Because of the weather. (1)
    Because of the weather, ...
  • He forgetted to give the teacher his homework; when he came late to class. (2)
    He forgot to give the teacher his homework when he came late to class.
  • Closed the door and left. (1)
    I/He/She/They... closed the door and left.
  • An new book smell greatly. (3)
    A new book smells great.
  • Nancy feels a bit sickly today. (1)
    Nancy feels a bit sick today.
  • Minh doed a lot of homework last week, he was tired. (2)
    Minh did a lot of homework last week, so/and he was tired.
  • Our boss gave many reasons but there no good ones. (2)
    Our boss gave many reasons, but there were no good ones.
  • My sister love his toy very much. (2)
    My sister loves her toy very much.
  • Mary ran fast, she couldn't catch John. (1)
    Mary ran fast, but she couldn't catch John.
  • Sally can speak English very good. (1)
    Sally can speak English very well.
  • Did Maria drove to work this morning? (1)
    Did Maria drive to work this morning?