
Project Explore 4 unit 4 Travel revision

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  • Your ____________ from Madrid is at 11 a.m. next Monday.
  • Travellers with ___________ Warsaw must be informed that their flight has been delayed.
  • If she ________ (pass) the exam, she _________ (be able to) enter university.
    If she passed the exam, she could / would be able to enter university.
  • Complete with a phrasal verb: My parents ________ me _______ at the station when I left for my school trip.
    saw me off
  • The coach isn't big _________ for all the tourists.
  • The fact that we've won a free trip to Las Vegas seems _____ good to be true!
  • Complete: ________ no doubt that we'll win the match.
    There's / I have
  • If these walls _________(be) thicker, we ________(not hear) the neighbours.
    If these walls were thicker, we wouldn't hear the neighbours.
  • My new jeans aren't ______ comfortable as my old ones.
    as / so
  • They ______ (go) to Spain on holiday if they ________ (like) hot weather.
    They would go to Spain on holiday if they liked hot weather.
  • Guess the word: a place in which to live, work, stay, etc. (for example, a hotel, a hostel, an apartment, etc.)
  • Complete with a phrasal verb: If you ______ _______ any nice souvenirs in Australia, buy me one, please. I collect fridge magnets.
    come across
  • Put the adverbs in the correct order: Joel _______ goes climbing _______. (sometimes / in the mountains)
    Joel sometimes goes climbing in the mountains.
  • If I ________ (speak) perfect English, I _______ (have) a good job.
    If I spoke perfect English, I'd have a good job.
  • Define: column
    It's a long cylinder that supports a building and it's usually made of stone.
  • Give me an informal expression that means... what are you doing or planning?
    What are you up to?
  • My writing wasn't good ________ to get me a pass mark so I need to try harder next time.
  • If he ___________(have) more time, he ___________(learn) karate.
    If he had more time, he would learn karate.
  • The art gallery was ______ interesting as the museum.
  • Complete with a phrasal verb: What time do you _______ _______ from London? I'll pick you up from the airport.
    get back
  • Put the adverbs in the correct order: The tourists spoke _______ as they visited _______. (the art gallery / loudly)
    The tourists spoke loudly as they visited the art gallery.
  • Guess the word: the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle
  • Give me an informal expression that means... of course!
    You bet!
  • Give me an informal expression that means... tell me who's got the authority to say such a thing.
    Says who?
  • Complete with a phrasal verb: When we flew from Barcelona to Australia, we had to ______ ________ in Seoul.
    stop over
  • Define: skyscraper
    A very tall modern building, usually in a city
  • Cairo in the summer is _______ hot for travelling.
  • The pizzas in Naples were __________ (tasty) than the pizzas in Rome.
  • Define: pyramid
    A type of building typical from Egypt used as a tomb (= place to bury people) for the Pharaohs (= kings of Ancient Egypt)
  • Oslo is _____ coldest place that I've been to.
  • Give me an informal expression that means... wait a moment! You're too impatient or I'm surprised by what you're saying.
    Hang on a minute!
  • Give me an informal expression that means... I find this difficult to understand.
    I can't get my head around this.
  • If we __________ (live) in Mexico, I _________ (speak) Spanish.
    If we lived in Mexico, I would speak Spanish.
  • Whenever I travel to a new city, I make sure to buy a _________ so that I can read about the tourist attractions.
    travel guide
  • Complete with a phrasal verb: You'd better _______ _______ and finish your homework. It's getting late and we have to leave!
    speed up
  • Complete with a phrasal verb: What time does the coach ______ ______ on the school trip tomorrow?
    set off
  • Put the adverbs in the correct order: Kate arrived ________ __________ (at midnight / at the hotel)
    Kate arrived at the hotel at midnight.
  • Complete with a phrasal verb: The car was forced to _______ ________ because the speed limit was 120 km/h.
    slow down
  • When we get to Paris, we plan to do a lot of ___________. There's so much to visit! The Eiffer Tower and the Louvre Museum are definitely a must!
  • Staying at a five-star hotel is ___________ (expensive) than staying at a hostel.
    more expensive
  • My brother __________(buy) a sports car if he ________(have) the money.
    My brother would buy a sports car if he had the money.
  • Give me an informal expression that means... are you lying to me?
    Are you having me on?
  • Define: statue
    An object made from a hard material, especially stone or metal, to look like a person or animal
  • Guess the word: The broken parts that are left of an ancient building or town
  • Put the adverbs in the correct order: Adam is _______ travelling ________. (in the United States / often)
    Adam is often travelling in the United States.
  • Complete: ________ clearly the reason why he's late.
  • If I __________(be) a millionaire, ________(buy) a palace.
    If I were a millionaire, I'd buy a palace.
  • Guess the word: the amount of money you have available to spend
  • Sarah's ___________ at Heathrow Airport is at 6 p.m. tomorrow.
  • If you ________ (have) a better job, we _______ (be able to) buy a new car.
    If you had a better job, we could / would be able to buy a new car.
  • Complete: _________ believe that he hasn't got his mobile phone.
    It's hard to / I can't
  • Put the adverbs in the correct order: I've _________ liked driving __________. (never / in England)
    I've never liked driving in England.
  • Guess the word: a detailed plan or route of a journey
  • This is ___________ (good) carrot cake I've ever eaten! So yummy!
    the best