
Arabian Peninsula and Islam

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  • What did Bedouins do?
    Raised herds of animals in the desert
  • Why did Muhammad preach tolerance for christians and Jews?
    Because they also believed in 1 god
  • What did Muslims, Jews, and Christians do together in Cordoba?
    Shared ideas on art, science, and technology
  • What is the first pillar of faith?
    Shahadah, to submit to god
  • Why do Muslims believe in sharing their wealth or possessions with the needy?
    It discourages greed
  • The Muslim empire spread across Europe, Asia, and Africa. What unified these groups of people?
    Common Religion
  • How did the Crusades affect the Jews?
    They were persecuted throughout Europe
  • What math symbol did Muslims name?
  • Jihad means to strive. What are Muslims striving for?
    To overcome challenges
  • How did Muslims modify the land to adapt to the climate?
    Dug ditches for irrigation
  • What was a nomads lifestyle like?
    Moves from place to place
  • What developed around Oases?
    Trading Centers
  • How did Muhammad learn that God chose him as a prophet?
    The angel Gabriel told him
  • For Muslims, praying 5 times a day is a way of life that emphasizes spirituality and...
  • What is one loss Muslims suffered after Reconquista?
  • Arabias location made it important for what activity?