
Revisão Beginner

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  • Questions and answers about you: Email address
    What’s your e-mail address? My e-mail address is______________
  • What are they?
    They’re glasses
  • Questions and answers about you: First name
    What’s your first name? My first name’s______
  • Hi. My name’s Maria. What’s your name?
    ______________. Nice to meet you.
  • How do you spell it?
  • How can I say "ouvir" in English?
  • How can I say "roupa" in English?
  • Is sushi Japanese? (yes)
    Yes, it is.
  • Is he Justin Bieber?
    No, he’s not.
  • Questions and answers about you: Age
    How old are you? I'm ___________
  • Nationalities: Argentina
  • Where is Justin Bieber from? (Canada)
    He’s from Canada.
  • How can I say "desculpe-me" in English?
    Excuse me
  • Are Coke and Pepsi Argentinian?(The United States)
    No, they’re not. They’re American.
  • Who are you?
  • Numbers: 0 2 6
    zero, oh / two / six
  • Nationalities: Peru
  • Speak: Good afternoon
  • Where are you from?
    I'm from Brazil
  • Nationalities: England
  • Numbers: 7 5 3
    seven / five / three
  • Are you Canadian? (you= plural) (afirmative)
    Yes, we are.
  • Speak: I don’t know
  • Is Samsung American? (Korea)
    No, it’s not.  It’s Korean
  • Questions and answers about your father(he): Phone number
    What’s his phone number? His phone number is______________
  • Nationalities: The United kingdom
  • How are you?
    Example: I’m fine, thanks.
  • What is it?
    It’s a photo
  • Name: João Marques da Silva - What's his full name?
    João Marques da Silva
  • How do you spell it?
  • Questions and answers about you: Phone number
    What’s your Phone number? My Phone number is______________
  • Nationalities: Chile
  • Days of the Week: (Tuesday) Yesterday?
  • Questions and answers about you: Married or single
    Are you married or single? I’m married. / I’m single.
  • Where is Belo Horizonte?
    It’s in Brazil.
  • What is it?
    It’s a camera
  • How can I say "arroz" in English?
  • Speak: See you on Saturday.
  • Is she Adele?
    No, she isn’t.
  • How can I say "papel" in English?
  • Nationalities: The United States
  • Speak: Not at all
  • Questions and answers about you: Hometown
    Where are you from? I’m from Belo Horizonte
  • 3319 –4462
    3319 –4462 double three, one, nine, double four, six, two
  • Name: João Marques da Silva - What's his first name?
  • Nationalities: Mexico
  • What's your name?
    My name is ____________
  • Speak: You’re welcome!
  • Are you from Brazil?
    Yes, I am.
  • What is it?
    It’s a watch
  • What is it?
    It’s a credit card
  • Nationalities: Saudi Arabia
  • How do you spell it?
  • Speak: Sorry, I don’t understand.
  • Name: João Marques da Silva - What's his last name?
  • Days of the Week: (Thursday) Yesterday?
  • What is it?
    It’s an ID card.
  • What is it?
    It’s a pencil
  • What is it?
    It’s a bag
  • Nationalities: Japan
  • What are they?
    They’re chairs
  • How can I say "palavra" in English?
  • What’s your nationality?
    Example: I’m Brazilian.
  • Where are you from? (country)
    Example: I’m from Brazil
  • Speak:
  • Questions and answers about you: Nationality
    What’s your nationality? I’m Brazilian
  • Speak: No problem.
  • What's color is it?
    It's green
  • Who is he? (Justin Bieber)
    He’s Justin Bieber
  • What is it?
    It’s a key.
  • Who is she? (Adele)
    She’s Adele.
  • 4440 –1160
    4440 –1160 four double four, oh, double one, six, oh
  • Questions and answers about your mother(She): Married or single
    Is she married or single? She's married. / She's single.
  • Questions and answers about your mother(She): Age
    How old is she? She's ___________
  • Speak: Good morning
  • What is it?
    It’s a cell phone
  • Are Chow Chow dogs Korean?(China)
    No, they’re not. They’re Chinese.
  • What are they?
    They’re books
  • Days of the Week: (Wednesday) Yesterday?
  • What is it?
    It’s a dictionary
  • Am I Brazilian? (yes)
    Yes, you are.
  • How do you spell it?
  • Is she Adele?
    Yes, she is.
  • How do you spell it?
  • What’s your phone number?
    My phone number is__________
  • What’s his name? (Justin Bieber)
    His name’s Justin Bieber.
  • How can I say "faminto" in English?
  • Are you Francisca?
    No, I’m not.
  • 3425 –0287
    3425 –0287 three, four, two, five, oh, two, eight, seven
  • Are you Canadian? (you= plural) (negative)
    No, we’re not / No, we aren’t
  • Where is Adele from? (England)
    She’s from England
  • Nationalities: China
  • Days of the Week: (Friday) Tomorrow?
  • Am I from Belo Horizonte? (negative)
    No, you’re not / No, you aren’t
  • Numbers: 9 4 3
    nine / four / three
  • Questions and answers about your mother(She): First name
    What’s her first name? Her first name’s______
  • Nationalities: Spain
  • Speak: See you tomorrow.
  • Is he Justin Bieber?
    Yes, he is.
  • Days of the Week: (Wednesday) Yesterday?
  • Where are you from? (hometown)
    Example: I’m from Belo Horizonte
  • Days of the Week: (Monday) Yesterday?
  • Nationalities: Canada
  • 9-8500 –8553
    9-8500 –8553 nine, eight, five, double oh, eight, double five, three
  • What’s his nationality? (Canada)
    He’s Canadian.
  • Are they Mexican? (no)
    No, they’re not / No, they aren’t.
  • What is it?
    It’s a wallet
  • What is it?
    It’s an umbrella
  • Questions and answers about you: Country
    Where are you from? I’m from Brazil
  • What’s her nationality? (England)
    She’s English.
  • Numbers: 1 8 4
    one / eight / four
  • What’s her name? (Adele)
    Her name’s Adele.
  • Are they Brazilian? (yes)
    Yes, they are.
  • Is Machu Picchu Mexican? (Peru)
    No, it’s not. It’s Peruvian
  • Speak: Good evening
  • Nationalities: Turkey
  • Where is Buenos Aires? (Argentina)
    It’s in Argentina
  • Nationalities: Korea