
Relative clause - unit 8 english10 - combine sen ...

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  • 11. The actor is very famous. I met him a few days ago.
    The actor who (whom) I met a few days ago is very famous
  • 27. Decorating is a difficult job. I hate it.
    Decorating is a difficult job which/that I hate/ I hate decorating, which is a difficult job.
  • 24. That is the man. I met him at Alice’s party.
    That is the man who/whom I met at Alice’s party.
  • 3. Where are the shoes? I bought them yesterday.
    Where are the shoes (that, which) I bought yesterday
  • 5. I'll never forget the day. I got my first bike on that day.
    I'll never forget the day (when) I got my first bike.
  • 1. The police arrested the man. He murdered his wife
    The police arrested the man who murdered his wife.
  • 2. I can't remember the name of the street. I lost my passport there.
    I can't remember the name of the street where I lost my passport.
  • 16. We talked about the party. Sarah wants to organize it for my birthday.
    We talked about the party that/which Sarah wants to organize for my birthday.
  • 6. This is the man. His dog bit me.
    This is the man whose dog bit me.
  • 20. Jerry received a bad mark on his essay. It was only one page long
    Jerry received a bad mark on his essay, which was only one page long.
  • 23. The boy took the photograph. He gave it to his mother.
    The boy took the photograph, which he gave to his mother.
  • 10. I'll show you the church. I got married there.
    I'll show you the church where I got married.
  • 19. This is the house. I had my first party here.
    This is the house where I had my first party.
  • 25. The boy smiled. Elena gave him some money
    The boy who/whom Elena gave some money (to) smiled.
  • 21. Ingrid went to see the doctor yesterday. He is a friend of hers
    Ingrid went to see the doctor, who is a friend of hers, yesterday.
  • 29. We went to the restaurant. We had met there before.
    We went to the restaurant where we had met before.
  • 22. Mr Reynolds had to do all the work himself. His secretary left a few days ago.
    Mr Reynolds, whose secretary left a few days ago, had to do all the work himself.
  • 30. The woman called yesterday. She wants to buy the house.
    1. The woman who called yesterday wants to buy the house. / 2. The woman who wants to buy the house called yesterday.
  • 8. This is my boyfriend. His father works at Macy's.
    This is my boyfriend whose father works at Macy's.
  • 9. That man is a politician. I forgot his name.
    That man, whose name I forgot, is a politician.
  • 13. I passed the entrance test. That is quite difficult to do
    I passed the entrance test, which is quite difficult to do.
  • 17. Mrs Flowers has paintings in her house. They are worth over $10,000.
    Mrs Flowers has paintings in her house which/ that are worth over $10,000.
  • 28. Christmas is a day. People are happy.
    Christmas is a day when people are happy.
  • 14. My friend invited many people. His house is huge.
    My friend, whose house is huge, invited many people.
  • 26. Steven is an architect. His designs have won many awards.
    Steven, whose designs have won many awards, is an architect.
  • 4. The book is very interesting. I borrowed it from the library.
    The book (that, which) I borrowed from the library is very interesting.
  • 7. The pupils missed the test. They came late.
    The pupils who came late missed the test
  • 18. The couple lives next to us. Their daughter has two charming boys.
    The couple, whose daughter has two charming boys, lives next to us.
  • 15. John belongs to a group of people. They send food packages to Africa.
    John belongs to a group of people who send food packages to Africa.
  • 12. I have a new camera. I bought it last week.
    I have a new camera which I bought last week.