
Travelling Abroad Vocabularies

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  • Abelt that fastens around you when you are travelling in a vehicle or aircraft and holds you in your seat.
    seat belt
  • When you land, you go to the _________ ________ _________ to collect your checked luggage.
    baggage claim area
  • After you check in, you need to show your passport and ______________ ________ before you go through the security check.
    boarding pass
  • The area in an airport where passengers wait before getting onto an aircraft.
    departure lounge
  • You need to be at the boarding gate an hour before the plane ________ ________.
    takes off
  • He arrived at the airport, __________ __________and collected his boarding pass.
    check in
  • Someone who serves passengers on an aircraft.
    Flight Attendant
  • You don't need to check in your _________ ___________.
    hand luggage
  • An official document containing personal information and usually a photograph that allows a person to travel to foreign countries.
  • When you're on the plane, you must fill in a _________ _________ form if you have to pay tax on some items in your luggage.
    customs declaration