
Wind Power

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  • Which set of people used to use wind to power their sailboats along the river Nile?
    Ancient Egyptians
  • True or false, using wind as a source of energy is a new idea?
    False, people have been doing this for thousands of years
  • What's a wind farm?
    A place with many wind turbines which are used to generate electricity.
  • What is a renewable energy source? Give 2 examples.
    It's a source of energy that never runs out. Eg. wind and solar energy...
  • What is wind?
    Air on the move.
  • What two things cause air to move?
    The sun and Earth's rotation
  • What is the main driver of wind?
    The sun's warmth
  • Give 3 ways in which we can use wind.
    To sail ships, pump water, make electricity.
  • How does the sun help to create wind?
    As sunlight hits the Earth, it warms the air. The warm air is lighter so it rises while the cool air sinks. This movement creates wind.
  • What is a wind turbine used for?
    A wind turbine turns wind energy into electricity.