
E3: Week 22.3

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  • In pictrue 1, the woman is buying oranges. In picture 2, the woman...
    is buying apples
  • ?
  • ?
    the house
  • In pictrue 1, the monkey is eating a banana. In picture 2, the monkey...
    is playing with a ball
  • ?
    want to
  • ?
    is climbing
  • ?
    Picture 1, because they're studying in the class. The others are playing on the beach.
  • ?
    is helping
  • In pictrue 1, the woman is carrying a small bag. In picture 2, the woman...
    is carrying a big bag
  • ?
  • In pictrue 1, the man has got a beard. In picture 2, the man...
    hasn't got a beard
  • ?
    Pictrure 4, because it's day. The others are night.
  • In pictrue 1, the woman is wearing a scarf on her head. In picture 2, the woman...
    is wearing a hat on her head
  • ?
  • ?
    Picture 2, because the shoes aren't a toy. The others are toys.
  • ?
    is climbing
  • ?
    on top of
  • ?
    are looking at