
Discover Britain

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  • What currency is used in the UK?
    the pound
  • What is the capital of Wales?
  • Where is the famous monster supposed to live?
    Loch Ness
  • What do British people eat on Shrove Tuesday?
  • What is the capital of Scotland?
  • Which sea lies between England and Ireland?
    the Irish Sea
  • Where were the Beatles from?
  • Where does the Prime Ministerof the UK live?
    Downing street
  • What is the name of Patron Saint of Ireland?
    St Patrick
  • What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland?
  • "Break a leg" means what
    good luck
  • What colour are London buses?
  • Where is Stonehenge?
    Southern England
  • How many countries does Great Britain consist of?
    3 (Scotland, England and Wales)
  • What colour is the flag of Scotland?
    blue and white
  • In which city you can see Trafalgar square?
  • Which famous writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?
    William Shakespeare
  • Which two countries are divided by Hadrian's wall?
    England and Scotland
  • What are the names of Prince Charle's sons?
    William and Harry
  • What is the emblem of England?
    the rose
  • "To be a bookworm" means what
    someone who reads a lot
  • What is the name of the area of water which separates england from Scotland?
    The English channel
  • A dragon is on the flag of which country?
  • Where is the Lake District?
  • Where is the Snowdonia national park?
  • What is the flag of the UK called?
    the Union Jack
  • What is the longest river in England?
    the Severn
  • Where can you see "beefeaters"?
    the Tower of London
  • Which river runs through London?
    the Thames
  • "Big Ben" is a famous ...
  • What is the highest point in the British Isles?
    Ben Nevis
  • Who wanted to blow up King James I and the Houses of Parliament in 1605?
    Guy Fawkes
  • How many countries are there in the UK?
  • "It costs an arm and a leg" means what
    it is very expensive