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  • There's no juice in the fridge. Somebody ______________ it.
    must have drunk
  • Rephrase "I'm certain that Jack isn't married - he's only 17"
    Jack CAN'T BE MARRIED - he's only 17.
  • I'm sure you didn't forget to do your homework.
    You CAN'T HAVE FORGOTTEN to do your homework.
  • Rephrase "I'm certain that she cheated in the exam".
    She MUST HAVE CHEATED in the exam.
  • The chair broke as soon as he sat on it. It ______________ been very well made.
    can't have
  • I didn't hear you come in last night. I ___________ (be) asleep.
    must have been
  • Kate is shivering. She ____________ be cold.
  • The burglars _____________ been looking for jewellery - nobody really knows.
    might have
  • I can see people opening their umbrellas. It ______________ be starting to rain.
  • I had an umbrella when I went out but I haven't got it now. You __________ (leave) it in the park
    might / could / may have left
  • Rephrase "It's late. I'm certain that you are tired"
    It's late. You MUST be tired.
  • Rephrase "It's impossible that you've spent all your money. It's only the second day of your holiday"
    You CAN'T HAVE SPENT all your money. It's only the second day of your holiday.
  • They _____________ this room yesterday - look, it's filthy!
    can't have cleaned
  • Rephrase "I recognise your face. I'm certain we've met before"
    I recognise your face. We MUST HAVE MET before.
  • Rephrase "Take your umbrella. It's possible that it will rain"
    Take your umbrella. It MIGHT rain
  • It is impossible that he is Spanish.
    He CAN'T BE Spanish.
  • Emily is crying. She ___________ be sad.
  • Jacqui ______________ be at the sports centre. It's closed.
  • Rephrase "I'm certain that you didn't phone me this morning. I didn't have my phone with me"
    You CAN'T HAVE PHONED me this morning. I didn't...
  • Rephrase "Lucy can't find her laptop. It's possible that she left it on the train"
    Lucy can't find her laptop. She MIGHT HAVE LEFT it on the train
  • Rephase "It's possible that he's from Canada"
    He MIGHT BE from Canada.
  • Perhaps he left the car unlocked.
    He MIGHT/MAY/COULD HAVE LEFT the car unlocked.
  • I'm sure Jane is sleeping now.
    Jane MUST BE SLEEPING now.
  • It is possible that you forgot your wallet at home.
    You MIGHT/COULD/MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN your wallet at home.
  • I'm not sure where John is. He _____________ still be at work.