
“年” 的故事(“Nián” de gùshì) Th ...

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  • 中国新年游行最常见的节目是什么? (zhōng guó xīn nián yóu xíng zuì cháng jiàn de jié mù shì shén me) What is the most popular scene for the Chinese New Year parade?
    舞龙, 舞狮 (wǔ lóng, wǔ shī) Dragon dance, Lion dance.
  • 2023年是什么生肖年? (2023 nián shì shén me sheng xiào nián) What zodiac animal year is 2022?
    兔 (tu) rabbit
  • 中国新年除夕主要年夜饭是什么?(zhōng guó xīn nián chú xì zhǔ yào nián yè fàn shì shén me) What is the main dish on the Chinese New Year’s Eve?
    饺子 (jiǎo zi) Jiao Zi or dumplings
  • 你怎么用中文说“祝贺新年”? (nǐ zěn me yòng zhōng wén shuō “zhù hè xīn nián”) How will you say “Congratulations” in Chinese?
    恭喜恭喜 (gōng xǐ gōng xǐ)
  • 有一年除夕发生了什么? (yǒu yī nián chú xì fā sheng le shén me) What happened one year on New Year’s Eve in the story of Nian?
    一个老人来到村里把年赶走了。 yī gè (lǎo rén lái dào cūn lǐ bǎ nián gǎn zǒu le) An old man came to the village to drive Nian away.
  • 人们过年时在窗户上贴什么?(rén men guò nián shí zài chuāng hù shàng tiē shén me) What do people decorate their windows with for Chinese New Year?
    剪纸 (jiǎn zhǐ) Paper cutting
  • 为什么老鼠是十二生肖的第一个? (wèi shén me lǎo shǔ shì shí èr sheng xiào de dì yī gè) Why was the rat chosen to be the first one among the 12 animals?
    因为老鼠赢了比赛。(yīn wèi lǎo shǔ yíng le bǐ sài) Because the rat won the race.
  • 为什么鱼是中国新年的象征 (wèi shén me yú shì zhōng guó xīn nián de xiàng zhēng) Why is Fish one of the Chinese New Year symbols?
    因为”鱼”的发音同”余”, 意思是富余。(yīn wèi” yú” de fǎ yīn tóng” yú”, yì si shì fù yú) Because Fish 'yu‘ sounds similar to the words for riches/ abundance
  • 年在除夕干什么? (nián zài chú xì gàn shén me) What did Nian do on New Year’s Eve?
    年在除夕出来吃村民 (nián zài chú xì chū lái chī cūn mín) Nian came out to eat the villagers on New Year’s Eve
  • “Happy New Year” 中文怎么说? (“Happy New Year” zhōng wén zěn me shuō) How do you say “Happy New Year” in Chinese (Mandarin) ?
    “新年好”, “新年快乐” (xīn nián hǎo or xīn nián kuài lè) Happy New Year
  • 新年贴在家里和商店的、写在菱形红纸上的吉利字是什么? What is one of the Lucky Characters that is usually written by brush on a diamond-shaped piece of red paper and displayed in many homes and stores?
    福 (fú) Good fortune
  • 为什么人们在中国新年要放鞭炮? (wèi shén me rén men zài zhōng guó xīn nián yào fàng biān pào) Why will people set off firecrackers on Chinese New Year?
    驱走年,唤醒龙下雨,有好的收获 (qū zǒu nián, huàn xǐng lóng xià yǔ, yǒu hǎo de shōu huò) To drive away the Nian, to wake up the dragon to rain so that we have a good harvest.
  • 年是什么? (nián shì shén me) Who is Nian?
    年是住在海里的怪物 (nián shì zhù zài hǎi lǐ de guài wù) Nian is a monster who lived in the sea.
  • 为什么十二生肖里面没有猫? (wèi shén me shí èr sheng xiào lǐ miàn méi yǒu māo) Why there is not Cat among the 12 animals
    因为老鼠把猫推进水里了 (yīn wèi lǎo shǔ bǎ māo tuī jìn shuǐ lǐ le) Because the rat pushed him into the river.
  • 十二生肖的第一个动物是什么? (shí èr sheng xiào de dì yī gè dòng wù shì shén me) What is the first animal of the rotating cycle of 12?
    鼠 (shǔ) The Rat
  • 孩子在中国新年会得到什么礼物?(hái zi zài zhōng guó xīn nián huì dé dào shén me lǐ wù) What do the Children get on the Chinese New Year’s Day as a present?
    里面有钱的红包 (lǐ miàn yǒu qián de hóng bāo) Red Envelopes with money in.
  • 中国新年要持续多长时间?(zhōng guó xīn nián yào chí xù duō cháng shí jiān) How long will Chinese New Year last?
    十五天 (shí wǔ tiān) 15 days
  • 为什么天帝決定举办这个动物大比赛? (wèi shén me tiān dì jué dìng jǔ bàn zhè ge dòng wù dà bǐ sài) Why did the heavenly King decide to hold the Great Race?
    他想找出十二个动物来计算时间。(tā xiǎng zhǎo chū shí èr gè dòng wù lái jì suàn shí jiān). He wanted to find out the 12 winners to track the time.
  • 老人怎么赶走了年?(lǎo rén zěn me gǎn zǒu le nián) How did the old man drive Nian away?
    他在门上贴了红春联,点了灯,放了鞭炮(tā zài mén shàng tiē le hóng chūn lián, diǎn le dēng, fàng le biān pào) He posted red couplets on the door, lit the lamp, and set off firecr
  • 年怕什么? (nián pà shén me) What was Nian afraid of?
    年怕红色、光和响声 (nián pà hóng sè, guāng hé xiǎng sheng) Nian was afraid of red, light and thunder.
  • 用墨水写在红纸上,在新年贴在门上的叫什么?(yòng mò shuǐ xiě zài hóng zhǐ shàng, zài xīn nián tiē zài mén shàng de jiào shén me) What will you call the red paper, written in ink and posted on the door before the New Year?
    春联 (chūn lián) Spring couplets