
Compact FCE for schools Unit 5 Learning

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  • stand out from the crowd
    be different from the rest; get noticed
  • put up with
    to tolerate or accept an unpleasant situation or person without complaining.
  • thorough
    COMPLETE; very carefully done
  • competitive
    wanting to win or to be more successful than other people
  • look up to
    to respect (someone); to admire (someone).
  • look down on
    to think that someone (or something) is inferior, low or worthless; to disapprove of (someone or something).
  • come across sth
    to find something by chance
  • cheerful
    happy and positive
  • sympathetic
    feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy; compassionate
  • come up with
    to think of; to idea / a plan / a suggestion etc.
  • Decisive - indecisive - decision
    beyond doubt; showing determination
  • easygoing
    relaxed, calm, and not getting easily upset about things
  • point out
    to draw attention to something or someone
  • capable of doing sth
    having the ability or qualities to do sth
  • adventurous/unadventurous
    willing to try new or difficult things, or exciting and often dangerous
  • communicative
    willing to speak; eager to talk