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  • Name a profession that uses A:
    A teacher, a lawyer, a flight attendant ...
  • Where's the stress in: Good morning
    good MORNING
  • Where's the stress in: What's your name? (2)
    WHAT'S your NAME?
  • What's the answer for: How are you?
    I'm fine/ok/tired/so-so, etc
  • Introduce yourself to a classmate. Ask the student to repeat his or her name.
    Hi, My name is ______. What's your name? .... I'm sorry, What's your name again?
  • Greet a classmate.
    Hello, Hi, Good morning... (afternoon, evening)
  • Say good-bye to a classmate.
    See you later, good bye, bye-bye, good night.
  • Name the things:
    Cabinet and desk
  • Name 6 occupations.
  • Say the sentences.
    I have two pens, I need a notepad.
  • Say the plural for the words: a box, a company, a shelf
    Boxes, companies, shelves.
  • What nouns I should Capitalize?
    A person's name, city, country, location, languages.
  • Say 3 things in an office.
  • Read this sentence with the correct word stress: Nice to meet you
    NICE to MEET you.
  • Say doctor and dentist with the correct pronunciation.
  • Complete the sentence. Choose a or an. Rachel is ______ artist.
    Rachel is AN artist.
  • What's your e-mail?
    @ = at / . = dot
  • Complete: I have, He ____.
    I have, He HAS.
  • Name a profession that uses AN
    An accountant, an illustrator, an admin...
  • What is the technique Skim (to read)?
    To read and look for the main idea
  • Say 3 things you need in your house to study. Ex. I need ______.
  • Say one occupation in an office.
    Accountant, lawyer, admin...
  • Complete: I need, He ____.
    I need, He NEEDS.