
Boost Up 6

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  • guess the collocation
    visit elderly people
  • guess the collocation
    take a vote
  • guess the collocation
    hold a flea market
  • guess the collocation
    clean up the streets
  • Make peace with =
    make up with
  • guess the collocation
    run an errand
  • You look sad =
    Why the long face / You look down
  • guess the collocation
    haunted house
  • guess the collocation
    nursing home
  • guess the word
    stand up
  • Help =
    give a hand/help out
  • guess the collocation
    participate in a contest
  • guess 2 collocations
    hold a fundraiser/collect money for charity
  • guess the collocation
    talk behind someone's back
  • Do you have any ideas? =
    What do you have in mind?
  • lonely =
    left out
  • guess the collocation
    perform on stage