
Just Talk: Christmas and New Year

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  • Do you think that in general people spend far too much money at Christmas time?
  • Do you know any Christmas songs? Can you sing it?
  • Do you have any special holiday clothes?
  • What do you usually have for breakfast on the 1st of January?
  • Did you enjoy the last New Year's celebration? Why / Why not?
  • How to make a gingerbread cookie?
  • Who would you like to spend the New Year with?
  • How do you usually spend your free time during the winter holidays?
  • Have you ever tried eggnog? What other Christmas drinks do you know?
  • Do you help prepare a family dinner? What do you usually cook?
  • Have you ever made any New Year's resolutions? 
  • What are your favourite decorations? Have you got a lot of them?
  • How much time to you usually spend decorating the New Year tree?
  • Do you buy presents for your friends and relatives? Why / Why not?
  • Would you prefer to celebrate the New Year with friends, relatives or alone?
  • Do you enjoy winter holidays? What do you usually do before the New Year?
  • What Christmas films do you know? Which one is your favourite?
  • If you could go anywhere for winter holiday, where would you go?
  • Have you ever been abroad during the New Year holidays?
  • What's better: to make a present, buy present or give money for a present? Why?
  • Does your family have any special New Year traditions?
  • If you were Santa, what would you give to naughty children?
  • What is the perfect way to celebrate New Year?
  • Some people find Christmas depressing. In your opinion, why?
  • What's the best New Year party like?