
Language Families

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  • Are Dutch and Turkmen sister languages?
  • Can you name the 2 easiest languages to learn if you already know TURKISH?
    Azeri, Turkmen, Uzbek, Tatar, Uyghur, Kazakh, etc.
  • The most widely spoken language in the world is _____________.
    Mandarin Chinese
  • Can you name two most spoken languages of the Germanic Language Family?
    English, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, etc.
  • Can you name two most spoken languages of the Romance (Latin) Language Family?
    French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, etc.
  • If you traveled to Switzerland, you would find people speaking ________________.
  • If you traveled from Portugal to Dubai, which two languages would you come in contact with?
    Portugese and Arabic
  • Korean is the sister language of ______________. Spanish OR Japanese?
  • English belongs to the __________ language family. Sino-Tibetan OR Indo-European?
  • Russian, Ukranian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian belong to the _________ Language Family. Baltic-Slavic OR Greek?
  • Turkish belongs to the _____________ language family. Ural-Altaic OR Afro-Asiatic?
  • Are French and Spanish sister languages?