
B2.2 Phrasal verbs

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  • find or produce and answer
    come up with
  • to care for someone or something
    look after
  • start a business
    set up
  • continue
    carry on ; keep on
  • arrange neatly and in order
    tidy up
  • cancel
    call off
  • start something new / regulary
    take up
  • postpone
    put off
  • talk to in person or by phone to see what is happening in someone's life
    catch up with
  • to solve a problem ; exercise
    work out
  • excited about something in the future
    look forward to
  • tolerate
    put up with
  • educate ; start a discussion
    bring up
  • refuse
    turn down
  • fail to happen
    fall through
  • to manage without having something
    do without
  • similar to someone in mannerism
    take after
  • to use all of something and not have anymore
    run out of
  • to do something that you have intended to do for a long time
    get round to
  • to need or depend on someone or something
    rely on
  • admire
    look up to
  • compensate
    make up for
  • find unintentionally
    come across
  • argue with someone
    fall out
  • meet by chance / accidently
    run into
  • have a good relationship with
    get on / along
  • decide on
    make up your mind
  • outcome ; final result
    end up
  • go at the same speed ; continue with
    keep up with
  • begin a journey ; leave your house
    set off
  • to arrive
    turn up
  • let someone stay for a short period of time in your house
    put someone up
  • disappoint
    let (someone) down
  • stop doing or having something
    give up
  • enter without permission
    break into
  • to dispose of something you don't want or no longer need
    get rid of
  • reduce
    cut down on