
P100 Chapter 11

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  • What is the oldest prison in America (we watched a video over it in class)?
    Eastern State Penitentiary
  • What model were the Quakers behind?
    Pennsylvania Model
  • T/F: Chain gangs are still utilized today in the northern portions of the U.S.
  • What was the New York Model (also called the Auburn Model) based on?
    Solitary confinement & silence
  • T/F: More drug offenders are housed in federal prisons than in state prisons
  • What is the current philosophy behind corrections, which has resulted in "hands-off" legislation as well as orienting the institutions toward incapacitation & deterrence?
    "Nothing works" philosophy; just kind of letting the inmates sit in jails/prison without rehab/help
  • What are the main differences between jails and prisons?
    Jails are short-term (usually less than 1 year) & are for lower-level offenses --- prisons are for extended amounts of time & house more serious offenders
  • What are the two types of corrections?
    Institutional & community
  • What are some examples of "tough" sentencing laws that have caused the prison population to increase in recent years? (esp. in regard to the war on drugs)
    Truth-in sentencing (abolish/curb parole), mandatory/statutory minimums, three strikes laws
  • T/F: More people are incarcerated in prisons than are on probation in the U.S.
  • The war on drugs has caused a ___% increase in the prison population in the last 45 years
  • Are more people incarcerated in state prisons or local jails in Indiana?
    State prisons
  • In Indiana, _____ house more offenders than _____. Options: prisons & jails
    Prisons, jails
  • T/F: More people are incarcerated at the state level than at the federal level
  • According to lecture, who was one advocate for prison reform during the 1700's/early models of corrections?
    John Howard
  • How are inmates classified? What are three main characteristics that are considered?
    According to crime committed, prior record, & mitigating circumstances; afterward, they are assigned a security level accordingly
  • T/F: White men have a greater chance of being incarcerated in the U.S. than any other racial group
  • What is another name for the New York model of corrections?
    The Auburn Model
  • T/F: Prisons can be specialized
    True; in regard to security level or the housing of death row inmates or crimes committed (going to state or federal)
  • Which group was behind the Pennsylvania Model, which focused primarily on rehabilitation through penance?
    The Quakers
  • What did the Medical Model focus on?
    Looked at the prisons as places to correct problem behavior & focused on treatment of these issues
  • T/F: The Quakers were against corporal & capital punishment
  • What is one reason why the prison populations have increased dramatically in recent years?
    Mandatory minimums/sentencing guidelines, & the "get tough" on crime policies ESPECIALLY in regard to drug offenses
  • 1 in 5 people are incarcerated for a ____ offense
  • What is prison privatization? What are some concerns of this method of corrections?
    An organization takes over the care of inmates & is paid to do so; concerns with prisoners becoming commodities; care could decrease
  • Where was the first penal colony located?