
Future: plans and intentions, schedules and pred ...

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  • I think people ... (go) on space holidays in twenty years.
    may/ might
  • I think we ... (have) robot shop assistants in future.
    'll have
  • What is your Monday timetable
  • Life ... (be) better for most people in the future.
    will be
  • Can we go to the cafe now? - No, it ... (open) until 9 a.m.
    doesn't open
  • I ... (watch) this film at the weekend.
    'm going to watch
  • I can't go to the cinema with you tonignt. I ... ( meet) some friends in town.
    am meeting
  • What are you plans for the New Year holidays?
  • The library ... (open) at 9 a.m.
  • Don't worry, Mum. I ... (tidy up) my room later.
    'm going to tidy up
  • I promise, I ... late.
    won't be
  • How much are the tickets? - I don't know, they ... expensive.
    may/might be
  • Tell about your plans for the weekend