
Do Your Chores!

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • Name the action
    water the plants
  • Name the action
    look after a brother or sister
  • Name the action
    clear the table
  • Name the action
  • Name the action
    wash the dishes
  • Name the action
    clean the windows
  • Name the action
    mop the floor
  • Name the action
    do the shopping
  • Name the action
    set the table
  • Name the action
    sweep the floor
  • Name the action
    feed the dog
  • Name the action
    do the washing
  • Name the action
    empty the dishwasher
  • Name the action
    take out the rubbish / trash
  • Name the action
    tidy the house
  • Name the action
    vacuum the room
  • Name the action
    walk the dog
  • Name the action
    clear the table
  • Name the action
    make the bed
  • Name the action
    put away the clothes
  • Name the action
    dust the furniture
  • Name the action
    load the dishwasher
  • Name the action
    iron the clothes
  • Name the action
    sort out the rubbish / trash
  • Name the action
    hang out the washing
  • Name the action
    fix things
  • Name the action
    cut the grass
  • Name the action
    dry the dishes
  • Name the action
    work in the garden
  • Name the action
    change the cat's litter
  • Name the action
    make decorations/ decorate the house
  • Name the action
    load the washing machine