
Adding & Subtracting Rational Numbers

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  • New Orleans is 2 meters below sea level. Baton Rouge is 17 meters above sea level. How much higher is Baton Rouge than New Orleans?
    19 meters
  • The fraction -8/5 is found between what integers on a number line?
    -1 and -2
  • -3/8 + 1 3/5 =
  • Your bank account has a balance of $34.33. This is $41.29 more than yesterday. What was your account balance yesterday?
  • A football team gained 21 yards on one play and then lost 16 yards on the next. Write an expression that represents their overall change on the field.
    21 + (-16) OR 21-16
  • A meteorologist used the following expression to describe how the temperature changed: -7 + (-3). How would you describe the temperature change?
    The temperature was -7 degrees and got 3 degrees colder.
  • Order these integers from least to greatest: 17, 1, 6, 9, 13, 0, 21, 3.
    13, 6, 1, 0, 3, 9, 17, 21
  • If −3 is subtracted from any number, the result is always....A) a negative number B) less than the original number C) greater than the original number D) a prime number
    C) greater than the original number
  • What is the vertical distance between and Eagle flying at 50 meters above the surface of the ocean and a shark swimming 15 meters below the surface of the ocean?
    65 meters
  • Nina has $40 in the bank. She writes a check for $63, deposits $80, and writes another check for $140. What is her balance?
  • Kelcie has $42 in her checking account and -$65 in her savings account. How much money does she have altogether?
  • 1.8 - 2.08 =
  • Mrs. Loomis went out to shovel snow off the driveway and noticed the temperature was 18° F‍. Yesterday was 20° F cooler, brrrr! What was the temperature yesterday?
    -2 degrees
  • The warmest five consecutive days in Vladivostok, Russia, during March were −17°C, 1°C, −12°C, −9°C, and −2°C. Which list has the temperatures in order from coldest to warmest?
    −17°C, −12°C, −9°C, −2°C, 1°C
  • A trout lurking 32 cm below the surface of a lake spies an insect flying 17 cm above the lake. How many centimeters would the trout have to jump in order to catch the insect?
    49 cm
  • The temperature is -5 degrees and drops by 13 degrees. What is the new temperature?
    -18 degrees
  • -1.32 + (-8.9)
  • What is the sum of a number and its opposite?
  • A piece of equipment for an oil rig is designed to function in temperatures as low as −30° Celsius and as high as 105° Celsius. What is the temperature range that this equipment is designed to operate in?
    135° C
  • -5.9 - (-3.8) =
  • A bungee jumper dives off a bridge 114 meters above a river. Before the bungee stops her fall, she plunges 3 meters into the river. How long was her fall?
    117 meters
  • -0.65 + (-0.234) =
  • The highest elevation in a country is on a mountain 1232 meters above sea level, while the lowest elevation in the country is 27 meters below sea level. What is the difference between the elevations?
  • While scuba diving, Rajeev dove to a depth of 12.6 feet below the surface of the water and then descended another 8.7 feet. What is his new position?
  • If −2 is added to any number, the result is always......A) even B) less than the original number C) greater than the original number D) a positive number
    B) less than the original number
  • Kailyn is flying to Alaska. When she boarded her plane in Texas, the temperature was 82 degrees. When she landed in Alaska the temperature was -4 degrees. Find the change in temperature.
    Decreased by 86 degrees.
  • Order the following numbers from least to greatest: -3.5, -12, 100, 0, 5, 1/2, -7
    -12, -7, -3.5, 0, 1/2, 5, 100
  • Mr. Phillip's investment account lost $50, gained $200, and then lost $400. What was the total change in the amount of money in Mr. Phillip's investment account?
  • Lori had $126.89 in her bank account. She deposited $21.49 into it and then wrote a check for her car repairs for $156.61. What was the ending balance in her account?
  • The temperature is 15 degrees and drops by 20 degrees. What is the new temperature?
    -5 degrees
  • Answer as a simplified IMPROPER fraction
  • If the temperature in Asheville, North Carolina is 15° F, how far would it have to fall to reach −5° F?
  • 1.35 - 5.6 =
  • Order these from least to greatest.
    -68 (Alaska), -24 (Michigan), 12 (Washington), 50 (Puerto Rico)
  • Lake Middle School is playing Ocean Middle School in football. Lake Middle gained six yards on the first play and eight yards on the second play. Then lost nine yards on the third play. What was the total yards gained or lost?
    5 yards