
CT 6 U1 Jobs

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  • Are you a librarian?
    Yes, I am. I work at the library.
  • What does she want to be when she grows up?
    She wants to be a nurse.
  • What does a veterinarian do?
    A veterinarian helps sick animals.
  • Who drives a bus?
    A bus driver drives a bus.
  • What does he want to be when he grows up?
    He wants to be a doctor.
  • Is he a hairdresser?
    Yes, he is. He cuts hair.
  • What are you?
    I am a student.
  • What does a police officer do?
    A police officer chatches bad people.
  • What do they want to be when they grow up?
    They want to be astronauts.
  • What does a firefighter do?
    A firefighter fights fires.
  • Who cooks food?
    A chef cooks food.
  • Who reports the news?
    A reporter reports the news.
  • Who catches fish?
    A fisherman catches fish.
  • Are you a mechanic?
    Yes, I am. I fix cars.
  • Is he a photographer?
    Yes, he is. He tales pictures.
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
    I want to be a dentist.
  • Who grows fruits and vegetables?
    A farmer grows fruits and vegetables.
  • Who works on a ship?
    A sailor works ona ship.
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
    I want to be a teacher.
  • What does a judge do?
    A judh=ge makes choices by law.
  • What does a scientist do?
    A scientist does experiments.
  • Is he a musician?
    Yes, he is. He plays music.