
Market math

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  • How much are two bags of potato chips?
  • At Mac’s Market, the sale price of a package of cake mix is 29¢ less than the regular price. What is the sale price of the cake mix?
  • If I buy 1 can of beans and 1lb bacon, how much is my total?
  • How much does one pound of bacon cost?
  • How much is 1 dog collar and 1 frozen pizza?
  • How much is one package of hot dogs and a jar of mustard?
  • How much are two cans of soup?
  • How much is one jar of peanut butter and a jar of jelly?
  • Jack went to Mac’s Market and bought a tube of toothpaste and a bottle of shampoo. How much money did he spend?
  • A jar of mustard and a package of hot dogs is all Gayle bought at Mac’s Market. How much change did she get from her $10.00 bill?
  • Mrs. Rose sent Mike to the store with $5.00 to buy a gallon of milk. How much change did he get back?
  • What difference in cost is there between a pound of bacon and a pound of turkey?
  • How much change will Mr. Stone get if he gives the clerk $2.00 for 2 cans of frozen lemonade?
  • How much are two pounds of coffee?
  • How much are two cans of hair spray?
  • Terry wants to buy a dozen doughnuts and a can of frozen lemonade. How much money will she need?
  • Sara has a coupon that is good for 25¢ off the regular price of a box of cereal at Mac’s Market. How much will Sara spend if she uses the coupon?
  • Mrs. Long bought a frozen pizza and a bottle of dishwashing soap. How much did she spend?
  • If I buy 1lb of shrimp and 1lb of bacon, how much is my total?
  • Carol’s mother sent her to the store for a cake and a pound of coffee. Carol used a $20.00 bill to pay for her groceries. How much change should Carol take home to her mother?
  • How much does 1 loaf of bread cost?
  • How much more does a can of frozen orange juice cost than a can of frozen lemonade?
  • Mrs. Long noticed that shampoo was on sale for $2.89 at Mac’s Market, so she bought a bottle. How much did she save by buying the shampoo on sale?
  • Aaron bought a jar of peanut butter. He paid for it with a $10.00 bill. How much change did he receive?
  • Mrs. Carey used $10.00 to pay for 2 dozen eggs. How much change did she receive?
  • What is the difference in cost between a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread?
  • How much does one dozen cookies cost?
  • Rita had $5.00 in her purse. She went to Mac’s Market and bought 2 bottles of dishwashing soap. What was her change?
  • If I buy 1doz cookies and 1 box of cereal, how much is my total?
  • How much is one can of dog food and a dog collar?
  • How much is one box of ice cream bars and a dozen cookies?
  • Mr. Archer bought a can of air freshener and a bottle of aspirin. What was the total cost?
  • If I buy 1lb of ham and 1doz eggs, what is my toral?
  • Marilyn bought a pound of shrimp at Mac’s Market. How much change from a $20.00 bill did she receive?
  • How much more does laundry soap cost than dishwashing soap?
  • During the sale at Mac’s, a tube of toothpaste sold for $1.19. How much could be saved by buying toothpaste at the sale price?
  • Dr. Sand gave the clerk $15.00 to pay for 2 pounds of shrimp. How much change did he get back?
  • How much is one dozen eggs and a loaf of bread?
  • How much are two frozen pizzas?
  • How much does one gallon of milk cost?
  • Find the difference in cost between a package of frozen vegetables and a dozen cookies.
  • How much does one pound of tomatoes cost?
  • Crystal’s mother sent her to the store to buy a gallon of milk and a bottle of ketchup. What amount did Crystal spend?