
Greetings and Introductions

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  • Do you like coffee?
    yes I do/no I don't
  • Where did you go on vacation last summer?
    I went to.......
  • What are some of your hobbies?
    My hobbies are......
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
    Yes, I have ........... brothers/sisters/No I don't.
  • Do you like dancing?
    Yes I do/No I don't
  • Do you like reading?
    Yes I do/No I don't
  • Are you traveling this year?
    Yes I am/No I'm not
  • What do you do for work?
    I am a.......
  • Where does your best friend work?
    My best friend works at.......
  • Where do you live?
    I live in......
  • What have you done on past vacations?
  • How old are you?
    I am.........years old.
  • What did you do last weekend?
    I.........last weekend.
  • How do you spell your name?
    R A B I A
  • Do you like ice cream?
    Yes I do/No I don't
  • How old are your siblings?
    My siblings are ........... years old.
  • Are you going to eat dinner with your family this week?
    Yes I am/No I'm not
  • What food do you not like?
    I don't like......
  • How long have you been in the city you now live in?
    I have been in......... for.........years/months/weeks/days.
  • Do you like tea?
    Yes I do/No I don't
  • What did you do yesterday/
  • Do you have any kids?
    yes I do/no I don't
  • Do you like sports?
    Yes I do/No I don't
  • Have you ever been outside of your country?
    Yes I have/No I haven't
  • Where do your parents live?
    My parents live in........
  • Did you go to the grocery store yesterday?
    yes I did/No I didn't
  • What are you doing tomorrow?
    I am............tomorrow.
  • Have you ever been to the beach?
    yes I have/No I haven't
  • Did you have fun last weekend?
    yes I did/No I didn't
  • What are you doing this weekend?
    I'm.............this weekend.
  • What is your favorite food?
    My favorite food is........
  • Are you married?
    Yes I am/No I'm not
  • If you have children, how old are they? If not, do you want children?
    My children are....... years old. I do want children/I don't want children
  • What activity do you not like?
    I don't like.......
  • What is your favorite night time activity?
    My favorite night time activity is.......
  • What's your name?
    My name is....
  • Do you like pizza?
    Yes I do/No I don't
  • What is your favorite color?
    My favorite color is.........
  • Are you going to work tomorrow?
    Yes I am/No I'm not
  • Are you going swimming this summer?
    Yes I am/No I'm not
  • What is your favorite daytime activity?
    My favorite daytime activity is.......
  • Where do you work?
    I work at a............
  • Did you go to the cinema last week?
    yes I did/no I didn't
  • Where are you from?
    I am from.....
  • Have you ever traveled by plane?
    Yes I have/no I haven't
  • What did you do today?
  • What is your partners name?
    Her/His/Their name is.....
  • Do you have any pets?
    Yes I do/No I don't
  • Are you going shopping this weekend?
    Yes I am/No I'm not
  • What does your best friend do for work?