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  • What for you is the most important issue that threatens the survival of life on earth?
  • Do you think living standards are good where you live?
  • Would you like to volunteer? What do you think would be the best thing about volunteering?
  • Which customs in your country do people from abroad enjoy?
  • Why do you think people enjoy mysteries?
  • What would be your dream job?
  • It is important that employees are both experienced and qualified?
  • The media think they have the right to report about everybody’s private life do you agree and if not what should and should not report on?
  • If you saw a alien what would you do to prove it?
  • Have you heard of any young people who have become very successful and made lots of money? How have they done it?
  • Do you believe in ghosts and why?
  • How long have you been learning English and why do you think it is important?
  • Do public figures have the right to keep their personal life private?
  • In your country are people losing the ability to be compassionate?
  • What are some of the customs you don’t like in your country?
  • Do you think the people like the pope of the king should have a private life?
  • Do teenagers in your country usually have a part-time job?
  • What things do you believe in?
  • Tell me some of the personal values you have?
  • What do you think of discrimination and does it exist in your country?
  • Which aspect of life in your country might be difficult for people from another country?
  • If you could recycle more would you?
  • Have you ever been to a country where you found certain aspects of life difficult?
  • Do you think in the future we will only eat fruit and vegetables grown in our own country?
  • What do you think is a good age to start your working life?
  • If you moved to a bigger city what would you miss from your home town?