
I Survived the California Wildfire

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  • How were Josh and Holly rescued from the fire? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Josh and Holly were rescued from the fire by Lucas and Eleanor in the Huey.
  • How did Josh feel when he was carrying Holly away from the flames? Answer in a complete sentence. (p92)
    Josh felt both terrified and energized when he carried Holly away from the flames.
  • Where did Lauren Tarshis get the names of the characters in the book?
    The characters in the book were all named after people who had lived through the fire that she had met.
  • On page 70, Holly says, "Nobody is supposed to be having campfires now, anywhere." Why? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Holly said that nobody should be having campfires now because they fire risk is too high.
  • On page 30 it says, "But somehow he and Holly got along." Why is it surprising that Josh and Holly get along? Answer in a complete sentence.
    It is surprising that Josh and Holly get along because they come from different backgrounds and have different interests.
  • Why couldn't people live in Paradise, California anymore after the wildfire? (hint: check the back of the book)
    People could not live in Paradise anymore because there was no electricity, the water had chemicals in it, and there was still smoke in the air.
  • What did Holly give Josh at the end of the book as a present? Why? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Holly gave Josh King Kong's snake skin that he had shed because Josh would have to shed his own skin now, too.
  • What did Holly and Josh smell when they were in the forest together? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Holly and Josh smelled smoke when they were in the forest together.
  • What kind of animal is King Kong?
    King Kong is a snake.
  • What's happening in the picture? (p42)
    The helicopter is dropping flame retardant on the forest.
  • What was Josh and Holly's plan to escape the fire when they were at the lake? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Josh and Holly's plan to escape was to use the zip line to get to the other side of the river.
  • What is a fire line? (p49) Answer in a complete sentence.
    A fire line is a dirt path around a fire to stop the fire from spreading.
  • When Holly and Josh were in the fire, they followed the animals. Why? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Holly and Josh followed the animals because they knew the best escape route.
  • Are wildfires ever good? Explain in a full sentence.
    Sometimes small wildfires can be good because they get rid of the dead trees and brush. That way, larger wildfires don't happen.
  • On page 25 it says, "Monitor lizards like Bubbles are native to Africa and Indonesia." Why is Bubbles in California? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Bubbles is in California because people would buy animals online. Once they got bigger, they would let them go in the wild.
  • In the fire, Josh and Holly both got injured. What happened to each of them? How? Answer in a complete sentence.
    In the fire, Josh's arm got badly burned by a flying piece of bark that was on fire. Holly broke her leg from landing in the water from the zip line.
  • Where did Josh's dad go? Why? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Josh's dad went to jail because he was stealing money from the bank.
  • Complete the sentence. The burns on Josh’s arm were very deep, so...
    Josh had to get surgery.
  • What sport does Josh play? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Josh plays basketball.
  • What did Josh think about Holly’s decision to keep King Kong’s old skin? Use a quote from the text to support your answer. (Hint: page 38)
    Josh thought that keeping the snake skin was strange. Quote: "Yikes, Josh thought... old toenails or something."
  • What is this called? What is it used for? Answer in a complete sentence. (Hint: page 97)
    This is a screamer suit and it is used to lift people safely into the Huey.