
EF Intermediate plus Unit 5 review

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  • A pond  B stream  C path 
    C path 
  • a programme where famous people are interviewed
    a chat show
  • regular programme about the same characters which makes people laugh
  • A You look as if you’ve lost a lot of weight. B Yes, ________ three times a week for the last few months. A I ran  B I’ve been running  C I’ve run 
    B I’ve been running
  • I ________ Juan for years. He’s one of my best friends. A knew  B have known  C have been knowing 
    B have known
  • A stone  B rock  C hill 
    C hill 
  • A How long ________? B All day. I started at 8 this morning and it’s almost 9 p.m. now! A have you studied  B did you study  C have you been studying 
    C have you been studying
  • ________ the air-conditioning yet? When’s he going to do it? A Doesn’t he fix  B Hasn’t he been fixing  C Hasn’t he fixed 
    C Hasn’t he fixed
  • We can’t stand adverts. We ________ the sound down when they start.
  • If you aren’t interested, switch ________ to another channel.
  • My sisters ________ me twice since March. A have visited  B visit  C have been visiting 
    A have visited
  • a programme where people compete against each other
    a quiz show
  • We’ve been to Australia, but ________ to New Zealand. A we’ve never been  B we’ve been never  C we never have been 
    A we’ve never been
  • a programme which tells you what happened today
    the news
  • A grass  B bush  C hedge 
    A grass
  • a regular programme about the lives and problems of a group of people A current affairs  B documentary  C soap 
    A current affairs
  • A sticks  B lambs  C leaves 
    B lambs
  • Can I call you later? We ________ watching this film on TV yet. A haven’t been finishing  B haven’t finished  C don’t finish 
    B haven’t finished
  • What ________ lately? A did you do  B have you been doing  C you have done 
    B have you been doing
  • Nothing’s happening because you haven’t turned the TV ________!
  • This weather’s absolutely awful. It ________ for days. A ’s rained  B rains  C ’s been raining 
    C ’s been raining
  • A Where’s Mike? B I think ________ for lunch. A he’s been  B he’s gone  C he goes 
    B he’s gone
  • A farmhouse  B wood  C barn 
    B wood
  • A cliff  B fence  C hedge 
    A cliff
  • I never watch sport and switch it ________ as soon as it starts.
  • You’ve ________ missed Karen. She left two minutes ago. A just  B ever  C yet 
    A just
  • A. Sorry, I’m late. B. It’s OK. ________ my favourite soap. A I watched  B I’ve watched  C I’ve been watching 
    C I’ve been watching 