
Biology Revision

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  • What does Cerebrum do?
    1.Controls senses and speech (taste,sight,hearing,smell,touch) 2.Controls imagination 3.Controls thinking and memory
  • Name four parts of a plant.
    roots, stem, leaves, flowers
  • What do you know about amphibians?
    are cold-blooded, live on land and in the water, lay eggs in the water, have moist skin, webbed feet, have gills first, then develop lungs, breathe underwater
  • What does a flower do?
    Flowers make fruits. Fruits have seeds.
  • What do you know about fish?
    They are cold blooded Live in water Lay eggs in water Have gills Can breathe underwater Have scales Have fins
  • Which is the largest part of the brain?
    This is cerebrum.
  • What’s the difference between the left and the right side of the brain?
    The Right Side is more artistic, the Left Side is more analytical.
  • What are the 3 main parts of the brain?
    Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Medulla
  • What does Medulla do?
    1.Controls heartbeat 2.Controls our digestion 3.Controls breathing
  • How much does a human brain weigh?
    about 1,4 kg
  • What does a root do?
    Roots get water and minerals from soil to the plant.
  • What does a stem do?
    The stem supports the plant, the stem carries water and minerals to the leaves.
  • How many neurons are there in your brain? What do they do?
    about 100 billion. They transmit (send) information.
  • What do you know about birds?
    warm-blooded, and they lay hard-shelled eggs on land, have wings, lungs, two legs, feathers, beak, some birds have webbed feet, their babies hatch from eggs
  • Give examples of vertebrate and invertebrate animals.
    Invertebrate: worms, insects, spiders. Vertebrate: a human, a tiger, an eagle.
  • What does Cerebellum do?
    1.Controls our movement 2.Controls balance 3.Learns new things
  • What do you know about reptiles?
    They are Cold-blooded, have webbed feet, have dry skin, babies hatch from eggs, they lay eggs on land, have lungs, have scales, not fur.
  • What do decomposers do?
    Decomposers recycle dead animals and plants. They help turn dead organisms into nutrients.
  • Name 7 groups of animals. Give examples.
    Mammals (tiger), birds (eagle), insects (ant),arachnids (spider), fish (shark), reptiles (lizard), amphibians (frog)
  • What’s the difference between a vertebrate and invertebrate animal?
    Vertebrate animals are animals with a spine and invertebrate animals without a spine.
  • Name 3 food chain links. Give examples.
    Consumers. For example, a lion. Decomposers. For example, a worm. Producers. For example, grass, a tree.
  • What do you know about mammals?
    They are warm-blooded,drink their mother’s milk,have hair or fur,give birth to their babies,have four-chambered hearts and lungs, live on land and have dry skin
  • What do consumers do?
    are animals that need to eat plants or other animals to survive. There are types of consumers: herbivore, omnivore, carnivore.
  • What do producers do?
    Producers are living organisms that produce their own food. Plants use energy from the sun and CO2 from the air, and minerals and water from the soil.
  • What do plants need to survive?
    water, sunlight, soil and air
  • Name 3 types of animals according to the type of food they eat.
    Herbivore (rabbit) Omnivore ( humans) Carnivore(tiger)
  • What do you know about arachnids?
    They are cold-blooded, live mostly on land, have 8 legs. Spiders spin webs. They have exoskeletons.
  • What does a leaf do?
    make food for the plant(photosynthesis).
  • Name 5 senses
    Touch, Smell, Sight, Hearing, Taste