
Immune Effector Cell therapy

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  • Where do the T-cells come from that are engaged in BiTE therapy?
    A donor's T-cells
    They are harvested from actual bite wounds
    The patient's own T-cells
    A friend of a friend's T-cells
  • Patients that receive immune effector cell therapy are most at risk for which 2 serious side effects?
    There are NO side effects.
    Cytokine Release Syndrome & neurologic toxicities
    Sickle cell conversion & myeloablation
    Cytokine Restraint Sickness & nephrotoxicity
  • What is the BEST thing a nurse can do to recognize and intervene for IEC related adverse effects?
    Facebook thoughts and prayers.
    Remind the attending physician every hour to assess the pt.
    Infrequent assessments with CRP and ICAN'T screening tools.
    Frequent assessments with CRS & ICE/ICANS screening tools.
  • The nurse is completing the ICE assessment on a patient that has received IEC therapy. The patient does not get a perfect score. What does the nurse do NEXT?
    Complete the ICANS assessment by assigning a grade.
    Ask the medical student to round on this patient 1st.
    Wait 6 hours and rescreen the patient.
    Reorient the patient and reassess after coaching them.
  • The nurse is completing the ICE assessment on a patient that has received IEC therapy. What is a "perfect" ICE score?
  • Which statement about CAR T-cell therapy is FALSE?
    It creates immediate graft versus host disease
    Useful in treating chemo refractory disease
    CAR T-cells can be directed to specific antigens
    Can be used independent of or in addition to a BMT
  • The nurse asks the patient to write the standard sentence on the CAR T writing log. Upon viewing the writing log what should the nurse do NEXT?
    Congratulate the patient on a job well done.
    Score as -1 on the ICE assessment, complete the EWS.
    Score as 0 on the ICE assessment, complete ICANS, call MD.
    Scold the patient for doing it wrong.
  • A patient that has received CAR T-cell therapy today asks the nurse when they can drive again. Which answer by the nurse is correct?
    "As soon as the benadryl wears off"
    "At least 4 months"
    "At least 8 weeks"
  • Which of the following conditions are NOT treated with CAR T-cell therapy?
    Multiple Myeloma
    Aplastic anemia
    Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
  • The nurse completes the ICE assessment and the patient scores 3. The patient awakens to light sternal rub and has no seizures or other notable neurologic deficits. What grade is their ICANS?
    Grade 3
    Grade 2
    Grade 10
    Grade 4
  • A patient completed IEC therapy 4 days ago. Their VS are T - 101*F, P 112, BP 100/56, O2 Sat 93% on 2L via NC. Grade the CRS
    Grade 0
    Grade 1
    Grade 4
    Grade 2
  • A patient that has received CAR T therapy has a CRS grade of 2 (temp 100.9*F, BP 88/48) and is not responding to the 2nd 1000 mL fluid bolus. Which orders would the nurse anticipate?
    Give a 3rd bolus and ibuprofen.
    Continue to monitor the patient.
    Give tylenol & tocilizumab, transfer to ICU for vasopressors
    Give steroids and turn down the infusion.
  • A patient has completed IEC therapy. Their VS are: T - 99.1*F, P 96, BP 104/70, O2 sat 98% on RA. Grade the CRS.
    Grade 0
    Grade 6
    Grade 4
    Grade 2
  • The nurse asks the patient to write the standard sentence on the CAR T writing log. How should the nurse assist the patient?
    Tap and shout what to write on the paper.
    The patient is on their own for this.
    Hold their hand while writing.
    Sit the pt upright. Turn lights on. Hard writing surface.
  • During the 2200 telehealth visit the patient experiences a seizure witnessed by the nurse. What action should the nurse take?
    End the call promptly and wake the attending.
    Stay on the call. Ask caregiver to call 911. RN call MD.
    Tell the patient to take more Keppra.
  • Prior to the administration of CAR T therapy, the facility must have at LEAST ___ doses of Tocilizumab available.
  • The nurse is conducting a telehealth visit with a patient that has received CAR T therapy. The ICE score is 10. The VS are: T 100.6, P 102, BP 108/62. What should the nurse do next?
    Tell the patient to take Tylenol and call back in 8 hours.
    Instruct the patient to come to the hospital. Call the MD.
    Document the call and hang up.
    Tell the patient to go to the ED immediately.
  • What therapy uses autologous T-cells engineered to express a specific T-cell receptor that makes the T cells recognize tumor cells and destroy them?
    T-cell battering therapy
    CAR T-cell therapy
    CAR B-cell therapy
    CAR battery therapy
  • The nurse is completing the ICE assessment on a patient that has received IEC therapy. Abnormals: patient states the year is 2016, they identify 2 out of 3 objects correctly and they can't count backwards from 100. What is their ICE score?
  • The nurse completes the ICE assessment and the patient scores 7. The patient awakens spontaneously and has no seizures or other notable neurologic deficits. What grade is their ICANS?
    Grade 0
    Grade 2
    Grade 3
    Grade 1