
*The Frog Prince

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  • Do the princess and her father love each other?
    Yes, they do.
  • What does the princess like to do?
    She likes to play wigh a ball.
  • Please describe the princess.
    The princess is tall and nice.
  • Принцесса: "Мой мячик в воде. Я не могу достать его".
    Princess: "My ball is in the water. I can't get it."
  • Has the King got a big family?
    Yes, he has.
  • Who is there in the water?
    There is a green frog in the water.
  • Is the princess ugly?
    No, she isn't.
  • Лягушонок: "Что я могу для вас сделать, принцесса?"
    Frog: "What can I do for you, princess?"
  • Where does the princess usually play with a ball?
    She usually plays with a ball under the tall tree.
  • Does the princess love her father?
    Yes, she does.
  • What happens with the princess's ball?
    It falls into the water.
  • Does the king love the princess?
    Yes, he does.
  • What does the princess like to play with?
    She likes to play with a ball.
  • Is the princess short?
    No, she isn't.
  • What colour is the ball?
    It is yellow.
  • Is the ball big or small?
    It is big.