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  • A small house only one Lenape family lived in
  • Who were the Lenape Indians and why are they important to us?
    They were Native Americans who were the first to live in New Jersey
  • Large house that multiple family members lived in
  • What did the men do?
    Hunted, protected their families, went on quests
  • Name the 2 Lenape tribes in NJ
    Raritans and Sanhicans
  • What was the special name they had for the 3 major crops?
    The 3 Sisters
  • A scientist that studies artifacts to learn about the past
  • What were the 3 sisters?
    corn, beans, squash
  • What did the women do?
    cooked, took care of the babies, planted and took care of the crops, cleaned
  • Name 4 places the Lenape people lived.
    New York, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, NJ
  • What were Lenape tools and weapons like?
    They were made from sticks, bones, teeth, and animal skins
  • How were Lenape children different from you and your friends?
    made their own games, were named at the age of 5, did not go to school
  • What did the Lenape do in the fall?
    Hunted in forests and grew crops
  • What was the religious figures the Lenape praised?
  • The time before people left written records is known as...
  • What did the Lenape children play or play with?
  • What were the good things the Manetu brought to the Lenape?
    Good luck, good weather, great flourishing crops
  • Other than living with family in a longhouse, what else were they used for?
    Religious ceremonies
  • Name 3 other foods Lenape ate besides the 3 sisters
    deer, racoons, fish, berries, bears, turkeys, turtles, frogs, cranberries
  • Where did the Lenape go in the summer? Why
    Toward the beaches/oceans to catch fish for food.