
Week 18 Review Edison bots and older content

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  • What is the difference between an invention and a innovation?
    An invention is a totally new idea to solve a problem, where as an innovation is a change to an existing invention.
  • When is the last day of the first semester?
    January 10
  • What is the name of the multi-view drawings that include top view, front view and side view?
    orthographic drawing
  • How many dimensions should each view of an orthographic drawing include?
    2 demensions
  • What is the name of the maze we used for Part 3 of our Edison bot programming challenge?
    URBANA 200
  • What did you learn about from completing the EVERFI- Endeavor lessons?
    About 7 different STEM career clusters
  • What was the first thing that you designed, built and tested with a partner during this class?
    Marshmallow Launcher
  • What type of robots have we been learning to program this semester?
    Edison Bots
  • Name three of the CTE rubric topics.
    Responsible Citizen, Creative Communicator, Innovative Designer, Skilled , Computational Thinker, Empowered learner
  • What are two of our bots names, that come from the Star Wars series?
    C3PO, R2D2, BB8
  • Who invented the 3D printer?
    Chuck Hull
  • What were the name of both of the brothers who invented the first airplane?
    Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright
  • What is the shape of the button that allows you to record a program on our bots?
  • In computer science, what is the term called for repeating a programing command?
    a loop
  • Name the three programs you can use to program the Edison bots?
    Ed- Blocks, Ed-Scratch, Ed-Py
  • In computer science, algorithms are a series of what?
  • What does CTE stand for?
    Career and Technical Education
  • What high school did Mr. Lowrie graduate from?
    Linganore High School
  • What video game company sold the first commerical video game called PONG in 1972?
  • What is the Tinkercad option called that allows you to remove material from a shape?