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  • A _________ is an example of a trace fossil.
    petrified tree
    fossilized footprint
    fossilized tooth
    piece of amber
  • Which of the following can become a fossil?
    a large animal
    an insect trapped in sap
    a plant’s leaves
    all of these.
  • Almost all fossils are found in ________
    dirt that has been packed down.
    sedimentary rocks.
  • What do the petrified trees in Petrified Forest National Park suggest about the ancient environment?
    there was a desert
    there was no dry land
    there was more rain
    it was near a body of water
  • Finding a trilobite is evidence that an ancient environment was part of
    a forest.
    a canyon.
    an ocean.
    a mountain.
  • How do bones change when they become fossils?
    bone material changes shape
    bone material is replaced by rock (minerals)
    bone becomes stronger and harder
    bones become lighter and weaker
  • What is a fossil record?
    the history of how life on Earth has changed
    a record of an organism left behind.
    evidence that animals lived a long time ago
    the rock left behind after a bone is fossilized
  • The history of how life has changed on Earth over millions of years is revealed by
    animals living today.
    the fossil record.
    bones in the desert.
    history books.
  • An insect in amber is an example of
    an exposed fossil.
    a whole body fossil.
    a trace fossil.
    a fossil record.
  • What must happen for a fossil to form?
    it is left unburied
    it is in deep water
    it is kept dry
    it is buried quickly
  • How are fossils revealed?
    people dig up soil
    water washes dirt away
    wind weathers away rock
    all of these
  • If a scientist finds fossilized trees in what is now a desert area, the fossils are evidence that the
    climate there was once rainy.
    area used to home to small animals.
    area used to have no carnivores.
    climate there has not changed much.
  • The oldest fossils are usually found
    on ocean beaches.
    floating in rivers.
    on top of mountains.
    deep underground.
  • Which is a step in the process of how animals become fossils?
    The soft parts of an animal turn to rock.
    Sediment covers an animal's remains.
    An animal dies high up on a mountain.
    Most of the animal rots away, leaving only the skin.